Kanakia Kids, pre primary section of RBK Hanumant High School, Mahuva (CBSE Board) is a new-age preschool which focuses on play-based learning to imbibe curiosity and encourge cognitive, social, physical, and emotional skills in

Welcome to
Kanakia Kids


Mr. Rajesh Tiwari
Education systems or methods are swiftly shifting to achieve different goals. We educators are observing this transformation in the field of education.
Ancient system of education was purely based on transferring the knowledge of different kind of occupation from one generation to other. As the time changed the need of society and individual also went through drastic change.
Kanakia Kids
Core Team

Ms. Radhika Hariyani

Mr. Rajesh Tiwari

Anupama Dube
(Foundation and Primary Years)

Krina Chauhan
(Foundation and Primary Years)

Ms. Shehnaz Selot

Experiences during the early years (3-6-year-old) lay the foundation for positive social and cognitive learning in the future years.

The students explore and know about significant and relevant content, taking into consideration prior experience and understanding. Knowledge is developed through unifying themes.
These themes are used to integrate subject knowledge across the main curriculum areas of: Languages, Mathematics, Social Studies, Science and Technology, Arts, Personal, Physical and Social Education (PSPE).
The Kanakia Kids